Welcome, Lonely Hearts, to the place where loneliness is celebrated. Rejoice, for your search and longing is the sign that you are living.

You might think this is just an illusion. Who knows, it might be your reflection

Annisa's Story

Annisa Ninggorkasih

Annisa Ninggorkasih is a student in Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Padjadjaran class of 2009. She currently is a student member of APSIFOR (Asosiasi Psikologi Forensik) Jawa Barat and also playing futsal as a defender, for her team KKF Fapsi UNPAD.

a fulltime sugartooth, a cook in her own kitchen, a contemporary and traditional dancer, her very first book, #PerempuanDalamCerita, is an omnibus of a short stories curated by Ika Natassa.

Stories from Annisa Ninggorkasih :


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